Belmont County Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force

The Belmont County Anti- Human Trafficking Task Force is to ensure best practice is used to serve victims of human trafficking.

Task Force Goals: To be a source of knowledge and resources in regard to human trafficking. To help serve victims of human trafficking by using the task force as partners and service providers. To avoid retraumatization of a suspected victim when they are identified. In addition to prevent, protect, prosecute, and partner.

Task Force Meetings 

Task Force meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of every other month at 10:00am via Zoom due to COVID-19.

Meetings are private, as we do case reviews at every other meeting. Members must sign an MOU and confidentiality agreement to participate.

If you would like more information on how to join, email:

JaQue Galloway
[email protected]

To participate, please take this pledge:



Potentially Dangerous Apps

Wheeling PD compiled a list of potentially dangerous social media apps to be aware of for you and your kids/teens.